Opening my WhatsApp this morning, I had a couple of notifications from my friends wishing me “Happy Friendship Day”. It reminded me of the times when I was in school and we used to buy friendship bands, tie them on each other’s wrists, and celebrate our friendships. As we grew older, we lost this tradition and maybe some bonds, too. We are getting busier in our lives and obviously making new friends and acquaintances. But that does not make your old friendships any less important. Those friends, with whom we talked and played so much and with whom we shared a million memories, are still there behind all the new ones. Those friendships seemed so important at that time, which now might have faded as an adult.
But that’s okay. It is a part of life, isn’t it?
While my mind was wandering through the old memories, it clicked for me that friendship is like art. How? Let’s find out.
1.Love and care
When an artist makes art, they care for it, nurture it, and love it, just like friends love and care for each other.
Friendship isn’t a BIG thing. It’s a million little things.
Paulo Coelho
2.enjoying the journey
The process of making it is surely a lot of fun for most artists. The process is what actually makes the final art great. Artists enjoy the process of making art just like friends enjoy a fun journey of myriad moments. The journey deepens the relationship between two friends in the same way that the art process deepens the connection between the artist and the art.
3.fights and spacing out
Have you ever felt like not seeing your unfinished artwork? Have you had breakdowns while making your art and just hated it? Sometimes you would still continue to finish it. But sometimes taking a break from it for a while seemed to be a really good option, and then putting it in the pile of unfinished artwork.
Similarly, friends sometimes fight, wanting more space and not talking or seeing each other for a while. Some friendships might work even after a fight, and some won’t. It’s okay; it happens.
As we grow older and get busier in our lives with our careers, families, etc., sometimes we start forgetting our old friendships. It’s normal to not think about those old memories often; in fact, it is a healthy way of moving on. But sometimes, days like this make us remember all the happy and sad times with our friends.
The relationship between artists and their artworks is also kind of similar. Artists make a lot of paintings in their lifetimes, moving from one painting to another. Some paintings are on display in front of them, and some are eating dust in the storage room. But on cleaning days, or even on social media in today’s world, remind them of their old artwork and hard work. Nostalgia hits them.
5.helps healing
Art and friends both help us heal. When times are tough, art helps us to express ourselves in the most freely possible way, whereas a good friend also wipes the tears, hugs us, and is there for us in whatever way possible.
What are your thoughts on the topic? Do you think friendship is like art? What are other similarities between art and friendship that you can think of? Let me know in the comment section, and we can have a discussion on the same!
Happy friendship day ❤️ you encapsulated all thoughts so perfectly! Well written and it’s so true ✨